Additional Support
Specialty Consultations
Below you will find a selection of specialty services and packages that I offer to help with your unique family sleeping issues.
Mini Consultation
If your child is sleeping well but you have questions or if you feel you need support in just one area of sleep (nap transitions, sleep regressions, moving to a toddler bed, or others), this small package is perfect for you.
- 1 Hour Phone Consultation
- Customized Verbal Action Plan
- Please note this package doesn't include:
- Questionnaire or sleep logs to assess sleep habits
- Written customized plan
- Follow-up support*
- Information on future sleep challenges
- *If you’d like, you may purchase two weeks of additional email support for $175. You may also apply the cost of this option to any complete package, listed above, within 30 days of purchase.
investment: $99
Refresher Consultation
Hit a roadblock? Get refreshed with the tools you need to get back on track!
For previous clients only
- 30 Minute Phone Consultation
- One Week of Follow Up with Logging
investment: $195
In-Home Consultation
Need some extra support? I will come to you and being there every step of the way.
Interested? Ask for more details.
investment: Half night $925
investment: two half night $1600
Sibling Discount
Have more than one child who needs better sleep?
Note: for families purchasing two different sleep plans.