Happy Families

What My Clients Are Saying
I work hard to ensure that all the families I work with are completely happy. Sleep is such an important part of our lives. It is my mission to help others get the sleep they deserve.

From Rich C.
"My wife and I have a 15 month old who was waking 7-9 times per night. We've seen doctors, child psychologists and were only able to get our little girl to sleep through the night for 3 weeks. Her sleep was started getting worse and worse when we decided to get in touch with Natalie. Natalie was great at answering all of our questions and came up with a comprehensive and customized sleep plan. I trusted Natalie, but will admit I was a little skeptical that she would have our daughter sleeping through the night within 2 weeks like she claimed. We followed Natalie's plan with her support and instruction and by night 4 our daughter was getting 10-11 hours of sleep. My only regret was not getting in touch with Natalie sooner! She is absolutely amazing at what she does, very knowledgable and patient and she works miracles!"

From Meredith P.
"My husband and I reached out to Natalie because we were really struggling with our 5 month old daughter and her naps during the day. She was sleeping great through the night (or so we thought!), about 8-9 hours, and we just couldn't figure out why we couldn't get the nap thing down. She would go down for one good nap in the morning, but then would fight any other nap during the day and would end up being up for hours and you guessed it... we had a super fussy baby on our hands that refused to be put down and refused to sleep! After just one phone call with Natalie, we realized that we needed to put our daughter to bed at night earlier and she actually needed more night sleep in order to help her naps during the day. We followed the plan Natalie personalized for us and within just a day or two, we saw amazing results! I think I emailed Natalie almost every day with questions that I had, and she was very prompt, understanding, and had all the answers that I needed. She was so helpful in every way and my husband and I are just so thankful for her! We now have all the tools we need to give our daughter the best sleep she deserves. Now, she sleeps 12 hours a night and has 3 great naps during the day. Our daughter is happy and so playful when she is awake, and we are just enjoying every moment with her. Thank you so much Natalie!!"

From Kymberli P.
"Natalie is fabulous!! Attended her free seminar at Stop Drop and Play Children's Museum and walked out with some great tips on improving sleep! Putting some of the tips into practice and already seeing an improvement! Looking forward to setting up a consultation. Natalie is relatable and speaks from experience. Absolutely recommend attending one of her seminars!"

From Ashleigh H.
"Back in April I desperately reached out for help to a Mom Advice group about my daughter who was sleeping in 3-4 hr stretches and having half an hour naps, if that. I generally got the same responses that I had been getting from people – you’re lucky you get that, some babies just aren’t good sleepers, maybe it’s a sleep regression, growth spurt, leap (Wonder Weeks), etc. But I am so thankful to those that recommended Natalie Erickson. My husband and I started working with her and by day 4 my daughter had slept through the night for the first time in her life. My daughter now sleeps 11-12 hours straight through the night and has 2 one and a half to two hour naps a day. Last night she slept from 7:15 to 6:45, and this is now our norm. I always thought my daughter was a happy, giggly baby but it’s crazy to see how this has affected her mood and behavior. She smiles when we walk towards the door to turn the light out together and is smiling when I pick her up from waking. Putting her down for a nap used to take 45 minutes, now it’s about 5. Not only has it been great for her, but I feel like a new woman. My husband and I can now sit down and enjoy dinner together and relax without the fear of her waking up and us trying an hour to get her back down. I’m sorry if this sounds like an infomercial. I have had Amazon Prime for 10 years and order something almost weekly and have never left a review on anything, so me taking the time to write this shows how amazed I am. If you are tired of excuses as to why your baby/kid doesn’t sleep, then contact Natalie. She creates individualized plans and is 100% remote, so no need to take the time to go anywhere. It’s all via phone, text and email – so simple. Our first night starting the program, Natalie texted to let me know she was heading to the hospital and was in labor with her 2nd child. I was terrified that my husband and I would be on our own trying to figure this out. Natalie called me from her hospital bed the next afternoon to see how our first night had gone and to reassure me that we were in this together. That is the type of professionalism you can expect from her. You’re not reading some book and trying to adapt your kid to it. You have someone you can ask stupid questions and she doesn’t judge. I hope someone who is as desperate as I was reads this and reaches out to Natalie so you can finally get some sleep and relief!"

From Kathy G.
"Working with Natalie was the best investment my husband and I have ever made! We were at our wits end when we went to her free pediatric sleep seminar. She contacted us shortly afterwards and really worked with us and our schedule to get our then 10 month old the sleep he needed. Happy sleeping baby = happy sleeping parents! Thank you Natalie! We can’t recommend her enough!"

From Laura V.
"I am so grateful that I took a leap of faith and hired Natalie to assist us in transitioning my daughter from sleeping with us to sleeping on her own in her own space! initially I was nervous about the whole process especially because Natalie is in a different state and time zone than us. But she was always available and very flexible on when we needed her to brainstorm different approaches to whatever the problem was at hand! we went from waking up every 3/4hrs at night to only one wake in the middle of the night! naps went from rocking/padding her while she cried for 20/30min to no crying. sleeping in general went from only being able to be put down by mommy and daddy to anyone can now lay her in her P-N-P to sleep! This was all completed just in time for her to start being watched by others while my husband and I work. I am so grateful for all the work Natalie put in! we r definitely one happy rested family with a now 4m old!"

From Kim H.
"Natalie is super knowledgeable and always gets back to me really quickly! I love having her as a resource when I can't get my babies to sleep."

From Megan E.
"Natalie’s personalized plan and constant communication made our little one’s sleep journey so much easier. For months my husband and I kept hoping sleep would get better on it’s own but after countless sleepless nights and me holding our baby for every nap, only to have her sleep for 30 minutes, we knew we needed help. Natalie was willing to adjust the plan based on our wants and needs but still set us and our baby up for success. People keep asking us if it was worth it and the answer will always be absolutely, YES! We had tried different tips and tricks on our own, only to give up after a few days. We were frustrated it wasn’t working and feeling guilty for being frustrated because “all babies have sleep issues.” WRONG! Having Natalie walk us through every step of the way and support us made us confident in our adjustments and it was nearly impossible to not be consistent. Our little one is now taking 2 solid naps and sleeping 12 hours at night. Not only are my husband and I over the moon about having some time to ourselves again, our baby has never been happier! It’s only been a few weeks, and both sets of grandparents have been just as confident putting her down for naps and bedtime. We have learned that while it may be hard to take the first step, having a plan to follow and a strong support system makes it well worth it for everyone!"

From Ashley B.
"Natalie changed our lives and her help couldn’t have come at a better or more needed time. Sleep deprived for more than 6 months, we were holding on by a thread and unsure what to do. Our daughter was waking up 2-3 times a night, nursing to sleep, and napping terribly. She was missing out on valuable sleep time and was overtired nearly all the time. Natalie gave us the structure, reassurance, and confidence to do what we needed to do to help our baby girl get the sleep she needed and she’s been doing great ever since (despite catching every bug under the sun that would interrupt the program). Natalie was always flexible, always willing to help in any way she could beyond the basic structure of her program. She’s so easy to talk to and I’m so glad we sought her out! Thank you so much!"

From Jason B.
"We called Natalie because our 18 month old daughter would only sleep in our bed. It took my wife and I a few weeks to fully commit ourselves and our daughter to Natalie’s plan, but once we did that she began sleeping through the night in her own crib immediately! Turns out all we needed was some accountability and encouragement which Natalie provided. Very happy we did this!"

From Brenda G.
"Natalie came to my school for a Sleep Seminar. (I am the director at a local preschool.) We knew that we had children/parents who were struggling with this thing we call sleep. As a mom of two young children, I also had questions for myself and my boys. She was very friendly and easy to talk to. I pretty much learned everything I needed to know through the slide show she presented, but at the end of the seminar we took turns going over our individual scenarios. Natalie took the time to give each of us tips (and a little tough love) to help our situations. Originally, I thought I needed help with my 1 year old, but turns out... It was my 3 year old that was my real struggle. Since the seminar, my youngest is sleeping through the night consistently (One night he slept 6:30pm to 9:45 am!) and my oldest is putting up way less of a fight to go to bed. He is obviously still a work in progress. I highly recommend Natalie for all your sleep help and questions. As a parent and a director, she was very helpful to all of our sleep needs. Thank you, Natalie!"

From Karen A.
"My husband and I will never be able to thank Natalie enough. At 2 months old, our son starting sleeping 30 minutes for all his naps, and was waking up every 1-2 hours at night. This went on for 5 months until I realized I could not take it any longer. I needed my life and my sanity back. Natalie worked with us to come up with a customized sleep plan for our son that was easy to understand and implement. The very first night after starting, he slept two 4 hour blocks (which was amazing for him), and it only got better from there. There were nights that he would regress a little bit, but Natalie prepared us for that from the very beginning, so we were not discouraged. Exactly 2 weeks after starting the program, he slept 12 hours without waking up once!! It was like magic. My husband and I finally have our nights back to relax and unwind, and our already super happy baby has somehow become even happier now that he is getting the right amount of sleep. Natalie is super sweet, and was so great to work with! She was very responsive and flexible to our needs, and I would highly recommend her to all the sleep-deprived moms and dads out there! Thanks again for everything!!"

From Olivia M.
"Natalie helped me with my 2.5 year old! She was always a dream sleeper, but suddenly became terrified of everything, wouldn’t go to sleep, then once asleep was waking up constantly saying she was scared of everything you can imagine! Was going crazy bc her screaming was waking up my baby! Natalie helped me with a few scenarios and now she’s falling asleep on her own again and middle of the night wake-ups are rare! Thank you Natalie!"

From Ally C.
"First of all, if you're on the fence about hiring Natalie, JUST DO IT!! I read books, asked advice from peers, and Googled for hours, but nothing I tried worked until I hired Natalie! We spoke on the phone and she had me fill out a detailed survey about my daughter's current sleep issues, then she came up with a plan tailored JUST FOR US! That is the best part! No book/mom/blog knows exactly the sleep issues your child is facing. Natalie is a pro!! I was shocked how quickly my 10 month old daughter learned to 1. Take two 1-2 hour naps a day (she was currently taking none) 2. Fall asleep on her own (she was being nursed to sleep) 3. Sleep in until 6 (she was waking at 5 or earlier). Natalie was there any time I had questions. She answered emails super quickly and was available for phone calls as well. I cannot thank her enough for her help! There is no need to stress any longer about your child's sleep issues, just hire Natalie. Right now! Do it!! 😂 I wish I had sooner!! 😊"

From Val F.
"Natalie was so helpful when we ran into sleeping troubles with our 3-year-old. She really listened to what was going on and gave us various strategies to figure out what would help."

From Kevin W.
"One of the best resources that you can use if you’re having trouble with your little one not sleeping at night. Natalie is well vast in knowledge of getting your little one to sleep better at night and also you don’t realize what a good night’s sleep is until you get one. Thanks again."

From Liz M.
"Natalie is such a sweet and caring person, she made this process so much easier and made a “first time mom” feel at ease. Being over tired and overwhelmed with the whole sleep process for my son, Natalie made it easy to understand and gave excellent advice and wonderful tips when we had a trouble night or two. Natalie kept me calm and reassured my husband and myself that we can do this. My son was a happy baby before but now he’s even happier with Natalie’s help and caring wellbeing. I highly recommend her to anyone who needs help with their child’s sleepless night!"

From Shea J.
"Our little girl had slept in bed with us from 0-9 months and nursed every 1-2 hours thought the night. She would only nap nursing in bed with me. With Natalie’s help she now sleeps 11 hours through the night and takes two long naps during the day. She is a different, much happier well-rested baby. Natalie was supportive every step of the way and we couldn’t be happier. We highly recommend her!"
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