Sleep Packages

Are You Ready For A Good Night's Sleep?
The only problem is no one in your house is sleeping well… especially your baby.

Bad To Worse
You have tried all the tricks you know but it’s not only not working but things have gotten worse!

Where to Start?
Maybe you don’t even know where to start to begin to get a good night’s sleep.

Bedtime Battles
Everyone in the house is tired and no one looks forward to bedtime because it takes way too long and you’re getting drained.

Baby Bed Fellow
Your little one ends up in bed with you or your toddler is crawling into bed and you get awoken by their cute little feet in your face.

Non-Existent Naps
Naps are way too short or non-existent!

Is It Healthy?
You’re worried about your child’s well-being and are starting to doubt your ability that this is possible.
Ready For A Fresh Start?
Well I am here to tell you… it doesn’t have to be that way! It IS possible to teach your child to sleep through the night and get your own sleep and sanity back!
Imagine how you’ll feel that day when you wake up and feel refreshed and realize your baby just slept through the night!

Quality Time
You feel human again and get some time in the evenings to watch your favorite show and reconnect with your significant other

Naps, Time & More
You now have precious – amazing – free time during naps instead of being trapped by a kid who only sleeps on or next to you

Happy Baby
Your child’s development and demeanor improves

Peaceful Bedtime
Bedtime routine is a nurturing and enjoyable time together

This Can Be You!
Working together you will go from being up all night, battling with your child at bedtime and tears (both yours and theirs!) to an easy bedtime routine, less stress and a good night’s sleep for everyone.
Here’s how it works!
Questionnaire – This is where you tell me about your family’s sleep trouble, what your day has been looking like and I take this information and create a customized sleep plan just for you!
Consultation – We will go over the plan and answer any questions you have about implementing the pan.
Support – I will be with you each step of the way and offer you the guidance to be nothing but successful with this journey to sleep.
The Sleep Your Deserve
What all of this means for you and your family is that everyone gets the rest they deserve and are happy and thriving!
Stop wishing for a full night of sleep, you’re probably wishing for a full night of sleep too!
Well I am here to tell you that sleep IS a part of motherhood and I can educate you on teaching your child to have the independent skills to do it on his/her own.
0 - 3 Months Old
These options are for expecting families or families who have a newborn baby
4 - 18 Months Old
This option is designed to resolve sleep problems and meet the sleep needs of your baby
18+ Months Old
This package addresses your toddler’s sleep issues and develop a plan to fix them
Extra Support
Find out more about packages I offer for unique situations and additional services
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